Children`s Burn and Wound Care Foundation (CBWCF) is a small Norwegian based charity established in 2007. Our professional engagement is based in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, and registered as an international Non-Governmental Organization under the same name. Our economy is based on private sponsors, support from other NGOs or charities, voluntary fundraising and high quality Ethiopian coffee import and sales.
Our History
A missionary kid and an adopted kid, both connected to the country with thirteen months of sunshine. A father who was fighting for his life after a terrible work related accident. They all met in that same hospital room, giving rise to the establishment of Children´s Burn and Wound Care Foundation a few years later. Read more
Our Team
Our good results wouldn´t have been possible to obtain if it weren´t for the excellent and dedicated team surrounding each and every patient, not to mention all our partners who are helping us in numerous ways.
Where We Work
Since we started clinical practice in 2008, two well functional burn units have been established in Ethiopia. We also do outreach in several local domestic locations as well as across the continent. Read more