Sedation during dressing change – a major improvement in Burn Care
Adequate burns treatment will often require proper sedation for dressing change. Unfortunately too many patients have undergone painful procedures due to lack of equipment and personnel.
In June 2022 our Burn Unit at MCM was finally able to address this problem. We now have a fully functioning Procedure Room in our unit where all dressing changes take place. An adjacent room works as a recovery room for the patients that undergo sedation. The Procedure Room is equipped with an anesthesia machine, and as of July 2023 we have an experienced nurse anesthetist working full time with us.
These latest advances can only be described as a major shift in proper medical care for burn victims. Children, their attendants and not at least the Burn Unit staff have expressed a huge improvement and satisfaction with the overall working situation. The fact that anaesthesia can be provided for patients within the Burn Unit itself, is a major change from the time children with extensive burns had to wait for an available table at the main Operating Theatre of the hospital. The professional staff is now close to the patients and enjoy a far better utilization of working time. Another great benefit from these latest improvements is that children who previously often had to wait long hours fasting, waiting for anaesthesia in the main Operating Theatre, get far better nutritional support as the routines and logistics have dramatically improved.
Anesthesia development at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center, Tanzania
CBWCF has taken on new challenges as anesthesia development is of 2024 part of the Charity`s objectives. Surgery and anesthesia goes hand in hand. CBWCF has for years been involved in developing the surgical services for burn victims at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center (KCMC), situated north in Tanzania. KCMC serves as a regional referral hospital, and has a busy anesthesia department. Both resident anesthesiologists and anesthetic nurse students are trained here, coming from all over the country. KCMC is thus in a position of developing the general anesthesia services throughout the country.
KCMC has invited Norwegian anesthesia personnel through CBWCF to take part in strengthening the anesthesia services and teachings at the hospital. A Norwegian anesthetic nurse and consultant anesthesiologist will work full time as volunteers at KCMC by 2024. The perspective is long term. Taking part in the general training of anesthesia personnel with special attention to patient safety will also benefit the burn victims.