Bedside education of nurses and doctors is incorporated in the daily activities at our burn unit in Addis Ababa.
Our staff members have all received their basic education and training in Africa. Their passion for helping the people of Ethiopia is shown through their dedication to every burn patient. Their knowledge and passion have helped equip them to serve as a training facility for health personnel both domestic and abroad. Training is focused on formal education programs. In fact, we are dedicated to advancing our staff’s education and training opportunities. Staff has been trained at the following universities:
St. Paul University Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa – Surgical Nursing
University of Port Elizabeth, South Africa – Surgical Nursing
Addis Ababa University – Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
University of Western Cape, South Africa – Physiotherapy
A vital part of burn treatment, and surgical treatment in general, is having access to reliable anesthesia services. Our foundation has in relationship with the charity Care4Burn been able to establish a burn unit at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center (KCMC) in Northern Tanzania. CBWCF will continue its involvement in developing the anesthesia services at KCMC. Read more